About Us
The Eastern Africa Journal of Humanities and Sciences (EAJHS) continues to receive articles from all over the world and has succeeded in attracting wide readership. The journal is published twice a year and the content of each issue will be increased from the current 5 articles to a minimum of 8. Special issues will be published to cater to any backlog. Articles will be received on a continuous basis.
Further, the composition of the Editorial Board has been changed to include all faculties and centers of The CUEA. The editorial advisory board has also been expanded to include intercontinental members, interuniversity, and honorary persons. This has been done to enhance the marketing appeal of the journal.
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Article Submission Process
- Online Submission.
- ManuScript Upload.
- Peer Review.
- Article Publishing.
Each manuscript is immediately assigned a review number to facilitate tracking and an acknowledgment is sent to the author. The editors read the article and decide whether to go forward with a peer review or to decline to consider it because it fails to meet the EAJHS mission or format. If the manuscript is to be reviewed, the editors consult the frequently updated reviewer database to construct a unique panel of reviewers, whose expertise matches the content of the manuscript. Individuals on this panel are then invited to review the manuscript and to return their reviews within 40 days. Once three peer reviews are received, the editors make a decision whether to accept or decline the manuscript or to invite the author to correct and resubmit it. The editors notify the author immediately, and in all cases, the reviewers’ observations are sent to the authors, with the reviewers’ personal identities masked. The revised articles are then published after satisfying editorial requirements.

Call For Papers
Each manuscript is immediately assigned a review number to facilitate tracking and an acknowledgment is sent to the author. The editors read the article and decide whether to go forward with a peer review or to decline to consider it because it fails to meet the EAJHS mission or format.
Call For PapersContact
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